Title: THROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS Size: 9.5 x 13 Mixed Media Journal Page
Had a wonderful play day with the fabulous JoAnna Pierotti, whom I finally got to meet and we became fast friends. We painted watercolor faces and had a show and tell of each others work. Each piece of art and art jewelry got their share of praise. JoAnna's studio is filled with the cutest doll faces you will ever see. The photographs do not do them justice. Her wonderful husband Ron became Mr. Meals on Wheels...he went and got us lunch...how sweet is that...
Rain Forest Necklace made with parts of old painted canvases and recycled denim jeans. The necklace and How To Instructions are featured in BEAD TRENDS MAGAZINEApril 2011 issue. Photos and instructions are found on pages 100 and 101. Another view here.